Written By: Syon Bilwar

Engineering is one of the most popular majors in the world. Using a combination of science
and mathematics, engineers work to make the world a better place. The best colleges in the nation for engineering help students become passionate and knowledgeable about the field. We have included the unique opportunities/resources provided to explore the fields of computer science/engineering for each university listed!
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Stanford University
California Institute of Technology (CalTech)
University of California (UC), Berkeley
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Boston, MA)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or more commonly known as MIT, is the top engineering school in the world. A popular major at MIT is Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). In MIT’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), more than half of the undergraduate students research with faculty. Through UROP, MIT every year sends two hundred undergraduates to Singapore for research internships. MIT has world-renowned professors and many of the alumni become successful. Some famous successful alumni include Sal Khan the founder of Khan Academy and Buzz Aldrin who was the 2nd person to walk on the Moon.
2. Stanford University (Stanford, CA)
Stanford University is often called the best university in California for engineering. Stanford University is located in Silicon Valley where many large tech companies such as Meta, Apple, and Google are located. Popular engineering majors at Stanford include electrical and mechanical engineering. Stanford has plentiful resources including over fifteen labs for all students to collaborate and discover. For instance, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory known as (SAIL) researches and explores AI to better the world. Some special majors Stanford offers are Energy Resources Engineering, Management Science and Engineering, Product Design, and Symbolic Systems.
3. University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA)
University of California, Berkeley often called Cal is located in the heart of Silicon Valley near San Francisco. UC Berkeley offers 14 major programs at their College of Engineering. Cal has many unique degrees such as the Management, Entrepreneurship, & Technology program (M.E.T.) This program is a combination of engineering and business with the opportunity to earn two Bachelor Degrees. The faculty at UC Berkeley is also renowned as there are twenty two Nobel Prize winners and thirty four members of the National Academy of Engineering, both known to be the ultimate honors an engineer can obtain.
4. California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, CA)
California Institute of Technology or more commonly known as CalTech is located in Southern California. Caltech specializes in engineering and popular majors are Information Science & Technology (IST) and Mathematics. Ninety percent of Caltech students participate in research in the school’s fifty research centers. Forty seven Nobel Peace prizes have been given out to CalTech students and faculty. A special program available to exclusively CalTech students is Surf@JPL for its students to conduct research with scientists from NASA for 10 weeks during the summer.
5. Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA)
Carnegie Mellon University was founded by Andrew Carnegie in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. CMU has many special degrees such as the BXA Intercollege Degree Program. This program has an option of many degrees with fine arts, including combining engineering with the fine arts. Some majors with this degree are Bachelor of Computer Science and Arts (BCSA) and Bachelor of Engineering Studies and Arts (BESA). CMU’s research for engineering is incredible since they have dedicated research centers like the National Robotics Engineering Center and Software Engineering Institute.
Discover the top engineering college in Moradabad, Shree Venkateshwara University. Explore programs, facilities, placements, and more for a rewarding engineering career.